Custodes Hobby Update: New Arrivals from the Warp

I have been slowly painting my 3rd Custodes army. In some cases I’m resvisiting some older models. But I found I really slowed down in December and January so I needed something fun and new to paint, so I made a little order to Forgeworld as a Christmas gift to my self:

I don’t know when I can work on these, but I thought I’d ask what you guys think of the new Venatari? I am not sure if I should use the Buckler build and hope it doesn’t get nerfed?

In the meantime, I’ve been reworking these damaged Allarus:

I’ve had to re-glue those spikes on the axes which is frustrating and I have no idea how long they will last.

And here we see some newly painted add ons. Luckily I had some extra models hanging around so I could add the much needed Shield/Sword combo in some of the Custodian squads.

Thanks for checking out the update. -Prot

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